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Tait Orca 5000

Tait Encryption

For organisations that value the confidentiality of their information, Tait can now offer Tait Orca portable and T2000 mobile radios fitted with Midian or Transcrypt encryption modules.

There are two levels of Encryption depending on your customers requirements:
  • voice inversion scrambling - protects against casual listeners and is cost-effective
  • rolling / hopping code scrambling - protects against more determined listeners


From a small company’s competitive advantage through to essential government information, we can now offer an encryption solution suitable for many different types of companies.
  • Public and private safety
  • Law enforcement
  • Government department
  • Security company
  • Service provider
  • Health service
  • Event management
  • Commercial business
  • Media


The modules can be fitted to the range of Tait Orca and Tait Orca 5000 portables as well as the T2000 series II range of mobiles, either when the product is first built, or as a simple upgrade to existing equipment. Tait can provide consultation and system design to ensure the complete integration of your encryption solution.

Some combinations of product offer over the air reprogramming (OTAR) of the encryption modules set-up and operation features, so your radios can be programmed in the field.

Some products provide an advanced user interface that allows you to change encryption codes, and easily see what encryption code is currently active.

Types of Encryption offered by Tait
There are two levels of Encryption depending on your customers requirements; Voice Inversion Encryption which protects against casual listeners and Rolling/Hopping Code Scrambling which protects against more determined listeners.

The Complete Encryption Solution
Encryption is not just a radio terminal option, but a system function. While the majority of encryption hardware is fitted in the terminal, the whole system performance plays its part.

Frequently Asked Questions on Encryption