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ručné rádiostanice
Tait Orca 5000
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otázky a odpovede

Frequently Asked Questions on Encryption

What does encryption look like?
Tait encryption units are small circuit board modules that fit inside our radios, and change the way speech is heard – garbling the transmitted audio, and reconstructing the received audio.  Externally it is not evident that encryption is fitted to a radio.

How does the encrypted audio sound without a decrypter?
It still has the fluctuating volume of a speech signal, but like a totally foreign language with completely different phonetics – totally incomprehensible.

How easy is it to understand when decrypted?
Generally very easy. There are some background noises but the main intelligibility of the speech is largely unaffected.

What is a typical cost? 
Anything from a small additional cost to your radio system to a significant amount.

Both radio systems and the encryption units themselves are very flexible in the way they can be used. There are an extremely large number of ways the two can be used together.

Whatever risks you are aiming to protect against, Tait can offer solutions from very cost-effective to very secure. Simply chose a configuration that is appropriate.

Do I need to replace all my radios?
Not necessarily. Your existing Tait radios may be able to be fitted with encryption.