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SmartTRAC, in conjunction with Absolute Communications, is a highly scaleable PC based, off-the-shelf Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and messaging solution.
The SmartTRAC fleet management system provides automatic vehicle location and messaging applications for businesses requiring to keep track of their mobile workforce and communicate with them more effectively.
SmartTRAC currently utilises a combination of Tait T2000 trunked mobile radios, MPT 1327/MPT 1343 infrastructure (TaitNet wide area systems, TaitNet regional systems or T1810), SmartTRAC mapping and fleet management software and global positioning technology.
SmartTRAC incorporates messaging, vehicle position reporting and electronic mail functionality. Applications include mobile asset tracking, valuable consignment monitoring, planning and route analysis, ETA confirmation and mobile e-mail.
About Absolute Communications
Absolute Communications is dedicated to providing clients with the highest quality software products. Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, Absolute has contributed software consulting services to some of the largest tracking projects and are currently one of the largest suppliers of GPS tracking software. Clients use Absolute's software to gain competitive advantage through better coordinating their company's operations. Additional benefits also include lower fleet management overheads and improved levels of safety to staff and customers.
For more information on Absolute Communications or to download a free evaluation copy of SmartTRAC, visit their website at |