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TaitNet - Trunked Radio Systems

Preklad pripravujeme.

Tait has made it simpler to configure trunked radio communications to users’ exact needs by improving the flexibility and rebranding its systems range.

Until recently Tait had three MPT 1327 trunked radio system offerings: T1810 (single site systems with no call records or user validation), Tait Liberty (systems with up to ten sites) and TaitNet (premium wide area systems). But as these systems have been made more flexible Tait has been meeting individual customers’ needs by mixing and matching elements from each range.

"Because it’s difficult for customers to keep abreast of the increasing functionality of our systems products, we are now encompassing our whole range of systems functionality under the one brand, TaitNet," says Systems Product Manager, Gus Walkden. "No two systems we provide are identical, so for simplicity we want customers to choose the functionality they require and we will meet their needs from the one broad product range."

The new TaitNet system brochure contains a checklist of the key features available in Tait MPT 1327 solutions. "So it really is as simple as ticking the boxes," says Gus. "Tell us what you want to do with your mobile communications and we’ll work out the best, most cost-effective solution for you. "Whether it’s a relatively simple mobile communications system for a college, a vast nationwide public access network, or anything in between, we can provide an advanced and dependable solution."

Gus says much of the focus of Tait’s analogue product development has been on improving the flexibility of its system components. "A feature like telephone interconnection at the site is now available in all systems, whereas in the past a customer would have had to connect to the telephone network through a premium node."

For a copy of the NEW TaitNet brochure see What does Trunked Radio Mean?